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New Member
Hi all, well I am starting a project and am looking for info. I have limited experience in electronics, by limited I mean I can read circuit maps and repair boards, but have never made one. I am building a TARDIS Armour, and want to include sound and light effects. By such I would like to have it, upon being opened or closed, make the launch sound and spin and light a blue strobe lamp at the top. So what I am asking is what would be an easy circuit and procedure to get this going? Please include diagram of circuit list of parts recommended, and any other relevant useful info you may think of.
sad day the Tardis is built and awaiting effects, I am thinking of using a voice recorder and a pressure switch to achieve desired results on sound, and wiring the l.e.d. bulb to the speaker not sure how adequate this will be but not much choice in the matter :-(
Buy a toy Tardis moneybox, rip out the electronics and use them - far simpler.

My stepson has one and it has all the authentic effects lol.
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