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I built a tone control using TCA5500. But it is not working. The only output I'm getting is a faint distorted sound. Can someone help me out. The schematic is attached. My only deviation from the schematic was to leave out the capacitors in the input and output.


  • tca5500.gif
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What do the input and output connect to?, unless they go directly to capacitors in the other circuits (and nothing else) that could well be your problem.
Nigel, you were bang on target! I have a mental block against input capacitors. I inserted the input capacitors and its working fine. Only, rather than using a single 4.7mfd I used two 2.2mfd in parallel with the +ve and -ve terminals interconnected to make a non polarized capacitor. The output capacitors dont make any difference, so I left them out. Thanks for the help.

Putting capacitors in parallel doesn't make them non-polarised, so it's really a pointless exercise - to approximate a non-polarised electrolytic you put two polarised ones in series (of double value of course!) - with like polarities connected together.

What you should do is measure the DC voltage at both sides where the capacitor connects (without the capacitor in circuit), then connect the capacitor the correct way round according to the meter readings.

In your case, with two capacitors in reverse parallel, one is always going to be the wrong way.
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