TCM-200DV no output surface mount soldering


New Member
The ribbon type cables seem to be soldered in, no connectors and I have one with 9 leads that is not connected to the board any longer. I cant seem to solder it (I dont have surface mount kit) so I was wondering if I can use some copper track sticky backed. Does anyone have a method please ? Thanks
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Well I had two not working, one belongs to my neighbour and the other I bought for about £20 broken. So thankfully the one I bought was just the belt so that is working (hurray). How lucky is that? The second one I am stuck with trying to resolder some tiny wires. Someone suggested I wrap some wire around the solder tip (mains wire) of the iron and that does give me a finer point and I can get one wire to solder but so far not all seven at the same time. So still work in progress. Photos later
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