TDA7000 datasheet

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New Member
hi there peeps....

can anyone help me.....i ahve been searching for the datasheet of the TDA7000 on the net.....keep coming across the phillips one but the pcb and schematic layouts are not clear in them....i really need it soon

can anyone help me please

Well if the hottwaterwizard can't get you it, then I assume it doesn't exist. As far as I'm aware Phillips was the only manufacturer.

Anyway the TDA7000 is obsolete, isn't there a more modern equivalent?
Philips have some new surface-mount tiny little radio ICs. One of them scans, instead of having a tuning knob. I got a couple of radios for free that have Chinese copies of the IC and they are a very lousy radio. The Chinese radios cost only $1.00 in The Dollar Store.
The cheapest FM radio I've seen was 49p, I was sctually tempted to buy it just out of interest but then I thought, no I've already got enough junk as it is.

If you want a FM radio IC that's still in production then try the TEA5710, it includes an AM radio too, but you don't have to use it if you don't want to.
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