TDA8424 audio processor chip

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New Member
hello, i read the datasheet but i could not understand how can i operate the chip.
I studied about I2C communication and understood it, but i dont know how to operate the chip

It says we need to send the data in this sequence [start condition]-->MAD-->SDA-->VL-->[stop condition]

But i dont know what is the MAD and SDA.
Is anyone have experience in this chip? could you share an example of the binary string on SDA line to change volume to 0dB?
and also to set bass to +3dB

maybe few example would help me to kick start for the rest of the command.
Thanks in advance for the help


hi James,
I guess you know that MAD is the module address of the particular IC and SDA is the sub address of the IC.??
the 3rd byte VL is for Vol L/R and Base L/R

So just send the MAD, then the SDA to select the channel volume then repeat for channel Base.

As simple example Basic
Symbol sda = PORTC.2
Symbol scl = PORTC.3

Dim mad As Byte
Dim voll As Byte
Dim volr As Byte
Dim bas As Byte
Dim treb As Byte
Dim cont As Byte

mad = 0x84  '1000 0100
voll = 0x00
volr = 0x01
bas = 0x02
treb = 0x03
cont = 0x08

'set left vol
I2CWrite sda, scl, mad, voll, 0x3c  'vol zero

'set right vol
I2CWrite sda, scl, mad, volr, 0x3c  'vol zero

'set left base
I2CWrite sda, scl, mad, bas, 0x07  'base +3db

'set switch function
I2CWrite sda, scl, mad, cont, 0x00  'change the 0x00 to suit

Copy of the asm file attached.


  • Image1.png
    51.4 KB · Views: 193
  • tda1.asm
    4.3 KB · Views: 165
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i see, let me try to command it on bread board first,see whether my understanding is correct.
Thanks man
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