Technical Trends

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Couldn't resist posting this.

Edit, I wonder how many people on here could replace the cartoon with actual photos of themselves.



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The worst part is I remember getting up to change the channel or volume.

One day years ago my kids thought the TV was broke, everything was black & white. Yes, an ols B&W movie. Imagine that.

Cheers Pommie... That's me in a nutshell... My son was born in 1990 and I was very fit, regular exercise and such... Now!!! well the picture tells the story.
That is fantastic Pommie. Made me laugh!

Although something puzzled me. What is the thing behind the guy on the left?
I can relate 100%

In 1990 my weight was about 70kg. Today I’m at 100kg. The weight my monitor lost, I seen to have found.
Couldn't resist posting this.

Edit, I wonder how many people on here could replace the cartoon with actual photos of themselves.


The right pic refers to the rich guys. Poor guys always keep their old TV's and weight .
Reagrding to me as a poor guy, just take a look in my life, lol:


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Here's more if you are interested, (the last pic is a caution for rich guys, and the second pic is my FATE!):


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