Technosonic LCD3251 picture fault

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Just to update I have changed the first post to include Component In does work but not the side A/V (Red, Yellow, White) though audio is fine.
Think at this point I shall look into sourcing replacement boards, once fitted and working I shall begin to make comparisons from what I have learnt so far, I really am more interested in finding what is wrong more than actually fixing it!
Replaced the T-Con board today to find exactly the same symptoms, TV reacts in the same manner and the T-Con board buzzes, I find it hard to believe that both T-Con b/d's are faulty with the same fault, possible but highly unlikely.
So, its either the panel, tabs or Main A/V b/d, still believe it to be the Main A/V b/d, would prefer to find the fault and repair at component level but shall keep a look out for a cheap replacement board in the meantime.
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