Teensy 3.2 / 3.1 anybody?

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Hi folks, has anyone got a Teensy 3.2 (or 1) they are willing to part with? My son wants to build somethng we only have the hex file for, and it is made for this board. I believe other models would require re-mapping. Can't seem to find them new now :-(
Got a Teensy 3.6 I've never used? But its a beasty compared to the 3.0 or 3.1.
Where are you in the world?
Got a Teensy 3.6 I've never used? But its a beasty compared to the 3.0 or 3.1.
Where are you in the world?
Hi Ian, so I'm not sure if 3.1 software would work in a 3.6 without any remapping (I noticed the pin voltages are different which I could easily work around)?

I am in the UK
Just been reading... The chip shortage killed the teensy 3.x Send me a PM with your address and you can have it.

When I bought it I stuck the Arduino bootloader on so you may need to reflash it.
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