Tell me the Steps to Build this Circuit Please !!!

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Pink Angel

New Member
Hi all ..

I need your help in this circuit .. It is Electricity Detector ..

I want u to tell me how to built this circuit .. I wanna make it hardware ..

Please Explain the steps one by one from the begining .. I'm a newbie in Building logic circuits .. =(

for example :
1.Put the chip .. Then put ...

I want the way steps same as the curcuit will work ..

This is the Pic of it :

Any Help is Greatly Appreciated ..

Does it have to be this specific circuit you build or do you just want to build a circuit that will detect the presence of AC mains voltage? You can build this **broken link removed** for a circuit to detect AC mains voltage and it will come with all instructions and compnents necessary for you to have a working circuit when finished however, it is not identical to the schematic you've posted.

You might be able to find someone here who is willing to take the time and write you a several page tutorial on basic electronics and circuit assembly, so if you want you can hold out for that but if you are at the level where you're not sure how to physically connect components by following a schematic, I'd reccomend you try the kit.
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