Temperature controler

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New Member
Hi there .
I am trying to find a working diagram to use or to modify for a project . I am trying to make a controller for a solder reflow station I am trying to make . It needs to control ramp rate and soak temperature of a 600w 240v ceramic heater , with K type thermocouple and zero crossing SSR . LCD display and USB or RS232 coms to a PC interface. Can anyone point me in the right direction please? . Thanks .
Sparkfun.com sells a controller kit for $100 which include the probe and a $14 amplifier chip. They also provide the schematic if you want to do without the kit.

For $60 you can buy a ready made controller from techFX.com

This nifty unit includes some nice PC based software.

Try this:

**broken link removed**

Also look at my attachment for complete schematic.


  • fancontroller1.gif
    39.7 KB · Views: 859
Try this:

**broken link removed**

Also look at my attachment for complete schematic.

I looked, but couldn't find any ramp rate or dwell timing function. Couldn't find a phase-control power regulator either. Just looks like a simple bang-bang controller module.

maybe the lord forsook it...
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