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Tesla Sceptics... (It's not too late to give Tesla the recognition he deserves!)

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Lets not forget he was an obsessive compulsive individual, with a few hints of deeper neurosis on multiple levels.

Though some of his core concepts are sound his abstract rationality and practical experiments had no scientific value in the end. They amount to in the end parlor tricks.

Especially the remote power ideas which are more commonly referred to as near field power that exhibit triple exponent power loss over radiative emissions (which are only squared). I've heard the term in popular culture and in 'new wave' technologies referred to as evanescence coupling. The same inductive coupling that's been used in transformers for years...

Anyone claiming any different knows nothing about the science involved.

[MODNOTE]This thread has been split from the original. This one has been locked due to it degrading into an unfounded argument and the other thread will stay open while its positive/productive.[/MODNOTE]
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So you must be one of those glass half empty kinda guys.
Lets not forget he was an obsessive compulsive individual, with a few hints of deeper neurosis on multiple levels.

Though some of his core concepts are sound his abstract rationality and practical experiments had no scientific value in the end. They amount to in the end parlor tricks.

Especially the remote power ideas which are more commonly referred to as near field power that exhibit triple exponent power loss over radiative emissions (which are only squared). I've heard the term in popular culture and in 'new wave' technologies referred to as evanescence coupling. The same inductive coupling that's been used in transformers for years...

Anyone claiming any different knows nothing about the science involved.

You have something negative to say for just about everything, don't you?

Tesla's biggest success was not the remote power idea. It was his alternating current generator, remote control, and radio. Sure, he was obsessive-compulsive and certainly was a little crazy, but nevertheless he changed the world for the better. He was a genius and should not be forgotten.
For the most part only the obsessive-compulsive people have the drive to put in the time needed to make inventions work. The rest of the world is too busy living normal lives.

I lived in Colorado Springs where Tesla did much of his work. It is said that he managed to energize some powerful lights atop castle rock from his transmitter in the springs.

We had a Tesla museum in the springs but a guy on the board of directors ran off with the money and it folded.

The wheel turns.

Of all the work done I am most interested in The Philadelphia Experiment.
Lets not forget he was an obsessive compulsive individual, with a few hints of deeper neurosis on multiple levels.

Though some of his core concepts are sound his abstract rationality and practical experiments had no scientific value in the end. They amount to in the end parlor tricks.

Especially the remote power ideas which are more commonly referred to as near field power that exhibit triple exponent power loss over radiative emissions (which are only squared). I've heard the term in popular culture and in 'new wave' technologies referred to as evanescence coupling. The same inductive coupling that's been used in transformers for years...

Anyone claiming any different knows nothing about the science involved.

Hi Scead

You are talking crap :D. I don't know why you want to distance yourself from Tesla ??.

Common man, get with the program and admit to yourself that Tesla was a genius. Cranky yes...but a genius nevertheless.

Best regards,
Sceadwian said:
Though some of his core concepts are sound his abstract rationality and practical experiments had no scientific value in the end. They amount to in the end parlor tricks.

Finding fault is, unfortunately, one of those lower fruits that some people simply cannot stop themselves from picking.

So sad.

I, for one, find it unnecessary and very annoying...
tvtech, just cranky? Have you ever read anything about Tesla outside of that joke of an Oatmeal post? Oatmeal isn't journalistic, they make comics.. that's it, if you take that post seriously and want to idolize Tesla so be it, but it has nothing to do with reality!

Who said I wanted to distance myself? He was quiet intelligent, and did some very interesting things and had some really great ideas especially concerning harmonics, but if you want to put him on a pedestal as a hero, you should put him up there with all of his advances and all of his personal traits as well, he was a complete human being not this shining genius image that is being pushed.

He suffered from obsessive compulsive disorder, he believed in selective breeding to eugenically control the human population, bellow is a quote from a BBC broadcast that Tesla himself made.

Nikola Tesla said:
... man's new sense of pity began to interfere with the ruthless workings of nature. The only method compatible with our notions of civilization and the race is to prevent the breeding of the unfit by sterilization and the deliberate guidance of the mating instinct .... The trend of opinion among eugenists is that we must make marriage more difficult. Certainly no one who is not a desirable parent should be permitted to produce progeny. A century from now it will no more occur to a normal person to mate with a person eugenically unfit than to marry a habitual criminal.

He for a length of time seriously tried to convince other scientists that he was receiving alien broadcasts from Mars or Venus. He was crazier than a stoned, unicycle-riding unicorn, and these traits are part of what made his experiments possible because he wasn't as limited as 'normal' people in the way he approached things. He died penniless and crazed in a hotel room.

I don't doubt the man did incredible things, but you can't recognize his greatness without understanding how and why he got there and understand the truth about him as a human being as a whole which includes his faults.

It doesn't cheapen him it enriches understanding of him to know all the details, otherwise you're just worshiping a golden calf.
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tvtech, just cranky? Have you ever read anything about Tesla outside of that joke of an Oatmeal post? Oatmeal isn't journalistic, they make comics.. that's it, if you take that post seriously and want to idolize Tesla so be it, but it has nothing to do with reality!

Scead, the way you talk, you OBVIOUSLY have never read any real, full literature about Tesla. He is not defined by his failures. He is defined by his successes. Nobody can come up with perfect ideas every time. You really need to do some actual reading about his life, and read about all the GOOD stuff he's done. Not just his faults.

Then again, to be perfectly honest, I've come to know you as a troll, and either way you're going to keep arguing and try to get the last word. I'll let you have it--most people here know the truth about Tesla--that he was a genius, even though he wasn't perfect. You can argue it all you want, but in the end it'll still be wrong. You can't change all the good things Tesla did for the world. You can't outweigh the good with the bad. That's all I have to say.
It seems there is a growing group of people these days always ready to jump the gun and put a scientist or engineer down for his failures and personal life, completely negating the great accomplishments.

Tesla did some great work, and you can not deny that.

If you can not argue against the engineers work or science, do not attack the person. Attacking the person seems especially common in climate studies - and it is something I am strongly against.
It seems there is a growing group of people these days always ready to jump the gun and put a scientist or engineer down for his failures and personal life, completely negating the great accomplishments.

Tesla did some great work, and you can not deny that.

No one is denying that - but he also did a huge amount of absolute rubbish - but there seems a growing number of people who seem to revere everything he ever did, and claim that his failures were no such thing, and that it's just that modern science isn't clever enough to duplicate what he did.
No one is denying that - but he also did a huge amount of absolute rubbish - but there seems a growing number of people who seem to revere everything he ever did, and claim that his failures were no such thing, and that it's just that modern science isn't clever enough to duplicate what he did.

I have never met nor heard about anyone who thinks in that way. Most of Tesla's fans simply don't care about his failures, because they pale in comparison to his successes. They don't believe he never failed; they revere him because he worked through them and came out with some of the most brilliant ideas of his time.


$850000 in one Week. Target met way before time.

With 39 Days left to raise more......

To people that criticize Tesla because they think they are clever and can the whole flipping book I took the time to upload here.

And then comment.

That is all I have to say.

For the lazy ones, it is here: Scroll down and look for the pdf attachment that says TESLA. If it looks like a book, it most likely is one. Click on the book to download the whole thing.

And then please read it. The whole book.

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I happen to think he helped the whole world with his insistence about using AC over DC for the main power lines for homes and industry. There are very very few places in the world that use DC and that's good because we would all be much worse off it we had to pipe DC all over the country instead of AC, and we couldnt use transformers without a matching chopper circuit. This alone i think shows how he was a benefit to mankind.

Yes he did get rather strange later on in life but that's typical for his type of personality, and i dont think these problems should be the focal point of his career. I would bet that there are similar stories for other well known inventors too but they havent been exploited as much as this guy's has. Edison was quite a nasty guy for example and didnt care about anything but his own profits whereas Tesla i believe had an innate desire to help mankind. We didnt hear about Edison's dark side until years later after he was so glorified for his so called inventions. It's also interesting that Edison's major inventions are being slowly but surely phased out of existence.
We used to have the Edison complex right here in NJ and i was able to visit it long time ago before they moved it to Chicago. Very interesting stuff but it said nothing about the true personality and i have to say it was all very misleading as to who he was in reality.
When i read about Tesla i always get the impression he really wanted to help mankind more than profit from his inventions.

$850000 in one Week. Target met way before time.

They hit the $1M mark!!!

For the lazy ones, it is here: Scroll down and look for the pdf attachment that says TESLA. If it looks like a book, it most likely is one. Click on the book to download the whole thing.

Here's the actual post:


I happen to think he helped the whole world with his insistence about using AC over DC for the main power lines for homes and industry. There are very very few places in the world that use DC and that's good because we would all be much worse off it we had to pipe DC all over the country instead of AC, and we couldnt use transformers without a matching chopper circuit. This alone i think shows how he was a benefit to mankind.

Yes he did get rather strange later on in life but that's typical for his type of personality, and i dont think these problems should be the focal point of his career. I would bet that there are similar stories for other well known inventors too but they havent been exploited as much as this guy's has. Edison was quite a nasty guy for example and didnt care about anything but his own profits whereas Tesla i believe had an innate desire to help mankind. We didnt hear about Edison's dark side until years later after he was so glorified for his so called inventions. It's also interesting that Edison's major inventions are being slowly but surely phased out of existence.
We used to have the Edison complex right here in NJ and i was able to visit it long time ago before they moved it to Chicago. Very interesting stuff but it said nothing about the true personality and i have to say it was all very misleading as to who he was in reality.
When i read about Tesla i always get the impression he really wanted to help mankind more than profit from his inventions.

Thank you for this. That is exactly how I feel, and I'm glad so many other people see it the same way I do :)
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They hit the $1M mark!

Thank you for this. That is exactly how I feel, and I'm glad so many other people see it the same way I do :)

There you go Buddy :D

Great stuff and and all.

$1M still way before the cut off day..

Just shows that Tesla is someone that people have heard about...but did not understand like me. Until I read the book.

I feel really honored to be part of this amazing thread.

Best regards,
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When i read about Tesla i always get the impression he really wanted to help mankind more than profit from his inventions.

True. No businessman. But an Inventor of note. That has helped us no end in this day and age.

Best regards,
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