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are those circuit diagrams published in the web were fully functional or exprmntal?
especially high power amplifiers

where could i found free circuit diagrams?

sorry for my english
Quite a lot of circuits published on the web are pure absolute utter crap. You just don't know what you are getting.
The "Instructables" are made by guys who know nothing about electronics. Their circuit works with luck and maybe some tweaking, but not for long.

Many circuits on the web have serious errors. I have posted fixes for as many as I can.
Not unlike the mistakes in schematics in electronic magazines in past decades. There always seemed to be drawing errors that only maybe would be mentioned and corrected many months later in the letters to the editor section.

Building of circuits from 'unproven' drawings will always be an adventure. However the troubleshooting and correcting of such errors can lead to a lot more knowledge gained then just duplicating a supplied drawing as if it was a cooking recipe.
i discover that some schematic diagrams do not match on the pcb design... which of them are correct the schematic or the design? have you guys see the ESp's 1.5kw amplifier? what is your comments on the parts of schematic dia. especiaaly the diodes which is no value identified
Some of the diodes have a low current and only 0.6V across them. Then a 1N914 or 1N4148 will be fine. some diodes might have 135V or 270V across them and they must be faster than 1N4005 rectifiers.
why is it that they were publishing projects which is not complete.. and luck of details...

i want to try to assemble that amps but my question is... is it fully functional or it needs some modifications? i have already build an amp. rating 500watts bridges amplifier
Project 117

is this fully functional? what is rhe value of diodes

Perhaps you should read the article, which explains all about it - although it should be fully functional, he's never built it, not advises anyone to. The point is to show what a pointless exercise it would be.
**broken link removed**

is this fully functional? what is rhe value of diodes

I agree strongly with Nigel. If you can't work through that circuit and do the calculations, you should stay away from it.

Try the experiment Rod suggests; hook an 8 ohm speaker up to 110 volts, and see how long it lasts.

Read the excellent advice Lefty gave you above, then choose another project from his page, say 3a, if you want high power. Do the calculations, and build the cct. If things don't go well, you will have an idea of what to expect and how to fix what went wrong.
i agree with papabravo "Quite a lot of circuits published on the web are pure absolute utter crap. You just don't know what you are getting." esp"s project was the worst book i hav read... undetailed projects and not fully functional...
maybe fully functional by means of theoritical aspects and calculations but in terms of actual application this will give a -50% quality..
i agree with papabravo "Quite a lot of circuits published on the web are pure absolute utter crap. You just don't know what you are getting." esp"s project was the worst book i hav read... undetailed projects and not fully functional...

You're not quite right there. Some of Elliot's projects are functional. You just think you need an audio amp more than a kilowatt.
if it is fully functional? why he's never built it... like marvz said maybe fully functional in terms of theoritical aspects and calculation but in reality it is not!
if it is fully functional? why he's never built it... like marvz said maybe fully functional in terms of theoritical aspects and calculation but in reality it is not!
Is this addressed to me? I said OTHER projects on ESP site were functional. Elliot HIMSELF says this >kWatt amp isn't. You should study reading for a while.
Is this addressed to me? I said OTHER projects on ESP site were functional. Elliot HIMSELF says this >kWatt amp isn't. You should study reading for a while.

I agree, Elliot's site is one of the finest I have ever come across on the web for it's attended readers and many of his projects are superb, well designed and explained well.

Many times an author will show a circuit drawing that is incomplete or untested simply because it's helpful for the topic he is discussing, and was never meant to be complete or even functional.
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