Testing of SPI

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New Member
I have a flash connected via an SPI interface. I need to test if the SPI interface is working properly. It is a board diagnostics test and hence I should test each component in isolation of the others. Is there a way to test the interface without using Flash?
Depending on the configuration of the SPI port, you could use a simple shift register, such as the 74HC595, or the CMOS 4094. Connect the ouput to LED's and you can see what byte you have sent. In your program, perhaps if you have break points, controller by a siwtch or something to give you time between SPI writes. It worked for me when I wanted to test my SPI port on my PICs and AVR's.

Good luck,


I replied on the other thread you placed, cant seem to find it. [duplicate deleted I guess]

What PIC are you using, do you have access to a Oshonsoft simulator program.?

I have written an external virtual SPI module for a 25C040 EEPROM that runs under the Oshonsoft Sim, you are welcome to have a copy of the 25C040.exe.
Sorry to reopen this thread after such a long time.
Eric, I would appreciate a copy of 25C040.exe, the source would also be great if you are willing to share it.

Dusted the cobwebs off.
Zipped up what I can find, includes the *.exe and some Oshonsoft.bas for demo of the tool.

It was written using the early version of Oshonsoft, so it could be improved by using some of the latest IDE options.
The tool was developed using VB5

Good Luck.


  • SPI1.zip
    193.8 KB · Views: 171
Thanks very much Eric. You have done some great work in developing this module. I hope I can contribute something as useful as this in the future. Cheers.
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