TFT screen wiring ...

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New Member
I have a small TFT screen here, WITH the driver board. The driver board has 2 connectors on it. The first connector has: ON/OFF, SCREEN, GND, BRIGHT and COLOUR.

The 2nd has: VIDEO, TFT +9V, VIDEO GND and TFT GND

I am confused to what inputs go where, before I noticed the 2nd connector I thought SCREEN was the video input, but that seems wrong now. Most of them are pretty self explanatry, but I am stuck on what I need to feed into SCREEN, BRIGHT and COLOUR.

I have a feeling SCREEN may be for widescreen/normal mode selection, but I wanna ask before I blow anything up

EDIT: I am assuming it's just composite video input.
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I have a part number for the TFT driver board. I tried google but got nothing, but: PVS19271-03-01

I'll get a pic of it really quick...

**broken link removed**

Big pic, but you cant see anything without it big
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It's working!! Well, kinda. Now I appear to be having that problem where the picture is VERY distorted and runs up and down the screen. i think its a display format (PAL and that stuff) problem, but i'm not 100% sure if it is, or how to fix it. I think the display is PAL.


  • screen 007.jpg
    226.5 KB · Views: 306
EDIT: Fixed it!!!

Turns out I had a bbbaddd interference problem!


  • screen 002e.jpg
    218.3 KB · Views: 379
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