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New Member
I just wanted to say thanks quick to the folks here - I've had a lot of questions answered and am very glad this forum exists - there really isn't a better one out there (I looked). I'm sure I'll learn as I go here and be able to help someone out once and a while. Thanks all!

Cool little site were you the creator ?

If you mean the site in my signature, yes - that's my blog.

Awesome, if you are a Wizard I hope you stay cool in the fray.

So, many leave without a trace and I don't get it. They just don't understand that ( What you do is not who you are ) they tend to forget and not separate the two and then their pride get's pinched.

Happy Trails my friend.

Oops, I should be care full with that word. (Friend)

I might taint your bar code.

I think I have offended to many people or they just don't want to look bad in front of others. But there are some really good people here willing to help regardless of the appearances.

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