The $10,000 Magnet Motor Challenge

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^^^ Oh no.

Earth is actually round?? with a few really flat places though??

I have lots to learn still. Bugger that Flat Earth forum I am a Member of. They have lied to me.
I don't like that.

I consider myself as knowledgeable in these matters. Now I don't know anymore. I am confused.

Has anyone proof here that the Earth is actually "round".

Forget the "so called Moon Landing". That was apparently shot in a Studio. So, I don't know.

I am really confused now.

My whole life and understanding of stuff is in turmoil. Am I actually real? Do I actually exist?. Am I from another Planet and accidentally landed here. Why can I not think the same as others here? What is different about me?. Am I strange?.

Do I act funny? Am I different?.

So many questions.

Hurry please. I need the answers before Tomorrow. It's a really important because I only realized today I will fail everything if I don't get answers Tonight.

Billy...the Kid...

Billy Mayo is my wayward "relative". He was into planes and that. Not flying them..just doing Engineering on electronics. Like fixing stuff.
Luckily for him, nothing worked anymore after he tried repairs. Planes could not take off. And the boards he tried fixing made things worse...

Think about this while I am on a roll:

1. left engine has got a miss fire.
2' Billy..I can sort it. Did some boards Today...
3. Pilot..bring a working board. I need to fly...
4. it. You are good to go. Sorted.
5. Pilot...thanks...
6. Pilot..Billy..nothing is working now..I had certain stuff all is dead....
7. Billy....that damn Internet......

Yip that is the way it is.


PS: I just had to post this. Hope you enjoyed it
Hay I will sell you these planes for $5;


  • Free-Energy-Plans-Phone-Line-Current-draw.pdf
    1 MB · Views: 767
The earth is not round is a sphereroid.

As measuremeunts improve the WGS committee will change the inverse flattening figure. Till then, our microscopic view of the flat earth remains somewhat intact. Given my height and the distance I can see ... it looks flat, so I know it's a microscopic view given my height.

The apollo mission that first travelled around the moon, cited Genesis, on that Christmas eve in 1968. The earthrise certainly looks "round." But at that distance, it would be.

And back to Kansas ... if it weren't for overpasses, Kansas would be really flat.

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Ho my god;
Look at the gold package;
CD 1 GOLD Package 1 ( All 34 plans and 7 videos )............Only $475.00.
Free Electricity from the Phone Company Plans..................only$9.95

Haha, that site has a fuel less heater.

From the description on how it works

Haha, that doesnt tell me how it works.

Oh well. Awaiting a Political thread that needs to go through Moderation first. Stuff to say and all that. OK Joe??

"It does not consume the oil, it only uses the atoms from the oil which is very safe to use"
What the??
"It does not consume the oil, it only uses the atoms from the oil which is very safe to use"
What the??

Three to go and you are "Most Helpful Member" too.
Give me reason to Rep you. I need stuff to work with.

Got you there anyway. You deserve it. I never forget good people

I know you are not here now.. Open ETO next time....

Play it Forward is the way to go.

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But I was not posting for rep points.
This is interesting if you have some time to kill;
**broken link removed**
This is interesting if you have some time to kill;
**broken link removed**

I didnt RTFA the first time but I found this little gem hidden.

There are a lot of grainy photos in the PDF on how to build your own. Interesting read. Says it runs on resonance. Doesn't resonance require you to keep adding energy back into the system to keep it up? Theres not much more info on the QED generator on the site, other than the PDF. Theres about 5 pages of lawyer stuff before you get to the nitty gritty.

It gets better. Anyone who tries to debunk this is a troll.

Annnd for the final lulz
The magnet motor problem was solved in the 60s, we then also solved the time travel problem with wormholes but that lead to the alien invasion and a massive time-loop.
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I just want to know how the magnet motor in the video was faked. Hidden pulsed or rotating magnetic field generator, perhaps under the table?
I just want to know how the magnet motor in the video was faked. Hidden pulsed or rotating magnetic field generator, perhaps under the table?
My guess would be something much simpler.....

A motor and battery hidden in that big lump of plastic used for a base.

A clear plastic base might have been a little more impressive
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