The beauty of electronics work

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New Member
Hi All,

I know that many friends in this forum are very much concerned about electronics.

Making a circuit work according to your wishes and imagination is really great.

I also bet that almost nobody bothers taking care of the beauty of electronics.

Enjoying life I also enjoy making beautiful looking PCB designs.

Here is an example I'd prefer to call it "Southern Sky".

The stars in that picture are nothing but vias, but I think the picture looks great.

The board is populated with 22 ICs, 16 power Mosfet Transistors, 16 small signal transistors, 32 LEDs, some switches and buttons.

Board size is 7.17X6.07".



  • southern-sky.gif
    2.7 KB · Views: 272
Just looking at the image you'll see a uniform black area.

Click it to enlarge it and you'll see a beautiful "star" picture.

Boncuk, if you want to call that art just from the via points on the board you're going to have to learn to process it a bit better =) Take a look at all the fractal artwork out there on the net, now that's pure mathematical beauty, but it takes a human mind to bend the math into pretty pictures.

Hi Sceadwian,

I'm world champion in bending any natural law. Give me what you want and I bend it for you.

BTW, I can also speak doggish, catish and birdish.

You definitely have a sense of humor I'll say that much!
Just from me to you.

Perfection isn't just in the patterns.
There is no beauty in the binary;
Love isn't just a linear function
Digital isn't divine.

The spark of might is from the human delight in the imperfection of the flow, the chaos the wonder the mental plunder, oh to what wonder we can see upon our shallow senses.

<edit> Needs work.
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For some people, a PCB drill file is the ultimate thrill, it really gives them a hard on.

Just close your eyes and imagine the beauty of a series of 0.028" holes in a piece of fibreglass circuit board.

Pure perfection, and definite centrefold material.
Hi Sceadwian,

I'm world champion in bending . Give me what you want and I bend it for you.

BTW, I can also speak doggish, catish and birdish.


OK Boncuk,
Go grab a dog,cat or bird crap and make a figure 8 out of it then post in in here as art........
Er, uh, some of you folks don't get outside much, huh? Time to put down the probes, remove the Pocket Pal, turn off the lights, and head off to a popular bar.
Just close your eyes and imagine the beauty of a series of 0.028" holes in a piece of fibreglass circuit board.

Pure perfection, and definite centrefold material.

You don't call a 0.028" hole small, do you? That's 0.7112mm, bigger than the a...hole of a mouse.

I've seen holes of 0.1mm diameter drilled in jet turbine blades made of titanum. Actually they weren't drilled but pressure etched.

Yours isn't bad either.

I like that.
I've seen holes of 0.1mm diameter drilled in jet turbine blades made of titanum. Actually they weren't drilled but pressure etched.

I am familiar with the cooling holes in military jet turbine blades. Not titanium though, but some super hard stainless steel super alloy.
At one time I was involved in designing the laser head and megawatt peak pulsed power supply, and the control unit for a laser hole driller for doing that exact job.
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