The day after.

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It's the day after my wedding, just trying to unwind a bit and browsing the forums. Here's a picture of the relevant parties. I might post audio/video another time; Advice comments and criticism are always welcome =)
It's a squinting photo but we're all there.

From left to right we have.
Rob (Brother in law, my sisters hubby.)
Luke (New brother in law. Army buddies with Rob.)
Faith (Mother in law.)
Andrea (My Wife!! =)))
Charlie (My new stepson, good kid.)
Jake (Me.)
Gayle (My sister.)
Christie (My sister.)


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My only comment is "does your wife know you're spending your honeymoon on ElectroTechOnLine"?.

And is the divorce next week?.

Congratulations though, and my regards to your lovely wife! - and to your new son as well!.
hehhee. Yeah, she's napping right now actually =) Definitly not a traditional marriage, but based on love and that's the only thing we care about.
Congratulations Jake wish you all the very best to you and to your family.

Andy1845c said:
I just got married 2 weeks ago

dosn't it feel great to have it overwith,

Congratulations to you well Andy all the very best
i have a magnavox 20inch TV.i need a pal to ntsc converter circuit so i can use it in nigeria
gky said:
i have a magnavox 20inch TV.i need a pal to ntsc converter circuit so i can use it in nigeria

Your post is in the wrong section, please start a new thread.
Congrats. and best wishes Sceadwian on your marriage... and may you both end up doing something out of the ordinary by remaining married until "death do you part"! I'm approaching a happy 20 years with the same woman. I guess I could put it this way:
Hey, I'm the lucky one since she's the one who married the idiot!
gky said:
i have a magnavox 20inch TV.i need a pal to ntsc converter circuit so i can use it in nigeria

Oh brother! Don't you have a gazelle to chase after for dinner?
2 months, 2 weeks and 1 day after marriage hasn't changed either of us much, though both of us still get a smile out of the occasional name change mistake.
Sceadwian said:
2 months, 2 weeks and 1 day after marriage hasn't changed either of us much, though both of us still get a smile out of the occasional name change mistake.

LOL- yeah ... give yourselves 15-20 years of this "bliss" and re-evaluate things once you find yourselves dealing with an uncooperative teenager, the search for a good job after a company downsizing, and the wife going through menopause! Oh, did I mention the maintainence prescriptions for anti-depressants, high blood pressure or similar?

The above is the easy part. The difficult hurdle is getting past the 5-10 year bracket when most marriages fail. I'm going on my 20th year with the same woman... IMHO, she gets better with age. Heck, I'm the lucky one... afterall, she's the one who married the idiot!!
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