I've gotten to the point of not caring about posters personality on forums and only enjoy the information shared. Even the extremely rude posters or people who are experts at everything still offer good information and I am grateful for it. Since I have no idea about 90% of the stuff that is discussed on this forum its all learning for me and sharing what I can from my own experiences in hopes of helping a little when I can. Maybe if I already knew everything I would feel more annoyed by other users posts and have more fun belittling them like some forum members like to do instead of helping them see things from another point of view.
Since so many of us come from different backgrounds and have different experiences in life. I like to remember the old saying "there's more then one way to skin a cat" and take in all input I can, good or bad.
I started fixing CRT before the Internet came along. Now days people have it to easy. We had no way of figuring stuff out....we relied on brain power. Our brain power. I always wrote everything I was taught down.
Joking aside, the people that really annoy me are "maintenance engineers" who have no regard for the machines they are supposed to be maintaining.
eg. letting drawings get in to this state (and yes that is a boot print) or things clogged to the point of self destruction because they cannot be bothered to keep changing air filters etc...
Joking aside, the people that really annoy me are "maintenance engineers" who have no regard for the machines they are supposed to be maintaining.
eg. letting drawings get in to this state (and yes that is a boot print) or things clogged to the point of self destruction because they cannot be bothered to keep changing air filters etc...
It looks like it is time to redesign the device to accommodate the piss-poor maintenance manager that has set the culture, management, training, schedules, oversight, rewards, and discipline.
The original paper is a good read and was inspired by a fellow who believed lemon juice would make him invisible while robbing banks. Here is the paper from the article you cited. I couldn't find something like it on the Science Friday site, if you recall it, please post it - I would like to read it.
There is little doubt that we overestimate our skills - Social Psychologists included
But some of the stories are absolutely mind-boggling - not just the "most people think they are above average on this or that"...I mean the ones like in the first reference...or folks who decide that they have the knowledge skills and abilities to beat professional boxers or be instantly be recongnized as world-class singers and that sort of thing. It is actually pretty sad.