The Dunning-Kruger effect. What is it actually?

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If you can get her to accept a key chain that would help a lot here. The key chain could go to her purse or whatever. They make nice key chains these days too so it can look real nice. Maybe make it a gift for the holidays. The only way to lock the key in the car then is to leave the purse in there too. If she does that, then the key chain has to attach to her belt or something else like that.

I figure that with one main key and four spares all in numerous places if she can still mange to lock herself out she can also mange to find her own way home.

If personal mindfulness is too much trouble to deal with then maybe the 14 mile walk to get home will give her the time she needs to help her prioritize what's important.

BTW this is the same woman who has such a habit of leaving her lights on at work that I finally just put a large spare tractor battery and a good set of jumper cables in her car so that I didn't have to keep driving to town and jumping her car for her.
Hi again,

Oh ok, i didnt realize it was that serious. Maybe she has ADD or something else related to memory loss. Get her checked out perhaps.
People forget things all the time, but when it is about something important and it happens a lot it could be something more serious.
I know a few people that are just like that.

You cannot fix it. Just the way they are . Especially pertinent to Women.... Seriously. Dizzy Blonde comes to mind. A friend of mine married one long ago.....almost drove him nuts and then he died (she was good in bed though apparently..)

And no. he did not die with a smile on his face in bed

I think that frustration killed him. There is no cure for stupidity. Stupid stays stupid. Forever.

Stupid people grind your soul into powder and cause you to loose faith and strength with everything...there are only so many times you can show someone something.....after that it starts wearing you down....quickly. Especially if you live/work with them every day.

Busy dealing with it for the last few years. Outta here soon I hope.

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when i was young, i was a consummate bookworm. especially about electronics. i had a lot of knowledge. but having a lot of knowledge is like having a box full of jigsaw puzzle pieces. you have everything that goes to the picture, but you have all the pieces sitting in a box. in order to get the whole picture, you need to start fitting the pieces together. so you dump the pieces out on a table, and start looking for pieces that might go together. then you might have a bunch of piles of pieces that all have the same color on them. then you go to some of the piles, and start looking at their shapes, and maybe something that tells you where those pieces belong in relation to each other, like a line or curve that might go through several of them. you might also find pieces that are obviously the outer edges of the puzzle because they have straight edges. so you build the outer edge of the puzzle, and then start working your way in. from time to time you find several pieces that fit together, but are still not sure where they belong, so you assemble them and put them somewhere inside the open space in the middle...... anybody who has built a jigsaw puzzle knows the process..... as analogy, any time you find pieces that fit together, that's wisdom (experience plays a big part). now, if somebody else sits next to you and asks you to help them build a puzzle, can you explain the process, even though your puzzle is still somewhat incomplete, and their puzzle may have a different picture on it?

tvtech: i know what you mean.... had a coworker that would ask me for advice and technical explanations on troubleshooting or other questions about electronics. then when i would explain it, he would argue with me, because what he read on a google search was different than my answer....
part of the problem is that they don't teach Scientific Method anymore (or a very distorted version where you can "fix" the experiment results to fit the theory)....
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