"The file does not contain a device ID value!"

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New Member

First time i am trying to program a pic.
I am using Icprog.
When choosing the file I receive the message: "The file does not contain a device ID value!".
What is the problem?
I attach the program and the hex file, but maybe it is in the Icprog configuration or the programmer or other.


  • blink.txt
    137 bytes · Views: 211
  • blinka.txt
    878 bytes · Views: 222
Hmm I have no problems with that file (Ic-prog 1.05D), try to go to settings/Options and de-select both check boxes in Notification Tab.
Thank you

Thank you.
Yes, de-selecting the check boxes stops the message, but it fails to program the chip, and I thoght maybe the message gives me any indication about the problem.
Do I need to install any drivers, or it's enough to plug the D9 to com1 and use the Icprog?
Before I start investigating the programer (wisp628), is there any test I can do to check that the serial port is ok and does the job?

I don't think Wisp628 is a supported programmer type in IC-Prog, is it?

Regards, Mike


The Bumblebee software for Wisp628 looks very nice... Have you tried it?

Regards, Mike
Bii said:
Do I need to install any drivers, or it's enough to plug the D9 to com1 and use the Icprog?
Before I start investigating the programer (wisp628), is there any test I can do to check that the serial port is ok and does the job?
Answer to both questions is YES. If you run it under NT (2000,XP...), you need to use driver for serial port. Download it from ic-prog website and setup Ic-prog to use it. Also there is an option to test your programmer HW in Settings/Hardware check...
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