The France thing...

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The response by civilized nations has been underwhelming. The response my middle eastern nations has been silence. I think Eric also has one of these:

I tested it one day at the farm and was so impressed with its quality, I got it.

My fav home security? Pistol grip 18.5" Mossberg 12 ga., 6 shoot (5 shell mag + one in the chamber). I leave the chamber empty.

Kicks like a Percheron w/ 00 buck, but a very persuasive weapon.

Just jacking a round convinces most to exit the property pronto...
The lesson for us? Stand and fight.
If you can’t stand, kneel and fight.
If you can’t kneel crawl and fight.
If you can’t crawl, lay down and fight.
If you can no longer fight,
be found wounded or dead with an EMPTY gun.
The response by civilized nations has been underwhelming. The response my middle eastern nations has been silence. I think Eric also has one of these:
hi John,
It gets the job done.
Sadly only allowed in Africa.
Thank's for the update nsaspook.

At least this stage of Extremist bull**** is over. Until the next sensitive little bunch of cowards take offense to people saying things about them....and lose it.

South Africa is next.

If for some or other reason the ANC looses power here...we have a huge problem on our hands.
I believe they will refuse to let go and will attempt to hold onto power at all costs....

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The world will continue to have problems of this sort until the human race grows up and abandons ALL religions.

The world will continue to have problems of this sort until the human race grows up and abandons ALL religions.

I couldn't disagree more. Modern* genocides, with the exception of the current Islamic one, are usually politically motivated, whether Mao, Stalin, Khmer Rouge, or Hitler to name just a few.


*Modern = since 1915
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The world will continue to have problems of this sort until the human race grows up and abandons ALL religions.


I'm not sure it would cure it; I think anytime a difference in opinion or maybe which side of the egg should be broken.

As long as there is organizations or Societies or Upper Level and Lower Level. Corruption will manage to grow support and find extremist's amongst individuals within a group who are willing to risk life and limb for the most foolish of notions or causes. ( I like my eggs sunny side up and un-broken)

All depends on what filter you wish to view the world. Seems to be a lot of hate and anger in the world; no matter what cloak and dagger principle you want to use; it needs to be justified.

(Sometimes I wonder; is it people who might commit suicide anyway. Then decide it's better to take a few people with them; and disguised as a cause.)

Unsure; I think basically it's the animal called man.


Edit: However, I do agree the human race needs to grow up.
It's really is sad that we stopped evolving as a race, the human race, and decided to evolve into better killers instead. If 1/100th the effort was put into helping one another survice the miserable little existance we have here on earth, called a lifetime, nobody would be starving in the world, or dying of the common cold, or having to watch while some fanatic beat their parents to death all in the name of some concocted fantasy or other. Personally, if I could leave this planet behind, I would, it is endemically sick.
Humanity will never lose it's animal instinct. There will always be something or someone to cause it's reappearance.

Even the futuristic shows that grew from Star Trek, still has the animal instinct. Good -v- evil will always battle it out. Remember, WWI was the war to end all wars ... although history since that time proved otherwise. Fanatics will always have a cause.

What has evolved was our tools.
I can handle hate, violence even war but these Takfiri are a special case that need to be eliminated from this planet.
Hard to respect a religion who's tries and protects the image of a man who married a 6 year old girl and sex with her at 9! I think he was 55 at the time, thankfully in the UK he would be locked up for that.
I dont see how a religion can be called peaceful while it has a strict policy of murdering anyone who says ANYTHING against it, the uk was once Christian apparently but we now have 107 sharia courts, because of my parents religious beliefs (both pretty strong ) I cant do Islamic stuff at school.
I am fed up being told not all are the same and yet few in power or there religious leaders will openly condemn the actions of the gunmen.
Soooo good to see you back LG have been away for at least a Year you are taller . A man in the making is what you are.

All the best,
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LOL thanks, yes def taller as I am now taller than dad!
Funny to think i was 10 or 11 when I came here and now I am 14
A great deal of change over those few years for sure! 4 years isnt much normally but 10-14 is a huge difference! Not only can I now solder smd parts but I also know what the bumpy bits on the other species are for!!(still cant get near them though).
I tried reading my posts from the start but the first few upset me a bit as it was a difficult time.
I wont dwell on the reasons I left here but to stay would have been wrong at the time, then you reach a point where to continue sticking to the principle is also wrong as it goes beyond principle, besides things change and if I still dont fit then no harm done and I will leave again.
I wont get drawn into things so easily again though, all i want is to learn.

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