Nobodies ever happy. I type lengthy detailed posts and people complain they are too long and then I cut things back and now they're too short.
Anyway, Yes. If say, 3 items like a Op-Amp (of undefined design) plus a neon bulb, and a SCR are listed as the key items then at least one of each (plus whatever additional parts to make any of them work in their as to be used function) are to be used.. Anything extra is fine, in fact the more creative use of extra parts the better!
Power supplies, power sources and whatnot plus any other ancillary parts of non
specced value are just assumed to be in play as you need to use them. If a 9 volt battery will work, but you want to use a Ford model A engine and generator set instead then put it in your design!
There's really no additional parts count limit so if you want to make a 1 megohm resistor using 100,000 10 ohm units in series then that's what you can do.
The key is to use the few listed specced items as part of the whole circuit design to do a end function regardless of what extra non listed parts of your choosing you care to throw in the mix.
The game isnt to make a specific circuit but to make ANY circuit that uses the key listed components (plus whatever else your imagination come sup with) to do the intended end function. The only caveat on the required and extra parts of your choosing is that if anyone of them was removed the circuit would not work as it is intended to.
So, yes if someone wants to use a vacuum tube heater element as a circuit pass through then it does count, even if its just being lazy to use it that way. (and you can call them out fo for doing so too. )