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The history of a SA tvtech (CRT)

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OK so I'm flooded with CRT. Never stops here. Anyway, I'm figuring out why my return rate has shot up from 4 sets per 100 repaired (in warranty) to around every 2nd set in 10 repaired. Yip.

Some don't even make it out the door when the customer comes to collect. Nope.
They fail on collection. With things I never worked on or touched.

Dead set. Fix it. OK. Put on test for 8 hrs. All OK. PSU 100%. Everything working properly. Put it in a shelf its good to go. Stays there for around 3 Months.

Customer comes to collect and now it has a Tuner or Frame fault suddenly.........

Answer: I'm seeing some sets I haven't seen since 1999.....IKC1 is one of them today. It's been in storage for YEARS........full of spiderwebs etc. Didn't wanna come out of standby. Sorted that out.

PCB damp. Got it up and running. OK. As I'm watching it on my bench, the Tuner decides to start drifting. OK. I'm lemme see if I can wait for the Chassis to work a little. And dry out.

Last I saw it before we closed the workshop today, the Tuner had settled down. Tomorrow morning could be a whole different story. Its quite damp there.

Ive worked it out here. It's desperation. That's why I'm seeing a flood of old CRT.

The clowns bringing the old crap here for me to fix know this is their last place to take CRT.

Its DIRTY work. They poor but they know. Noone wants to work on their **** anymore.

I don't even shower anymore. I'm gonna be filthy in 2 mins anyway in the WS. Why bother?

You cannot help Stupids. Eventually they will get it. Why White, decent people, are fed up.

And I'm not even a Farmer. Nope.

Its hard to live this unless your'e here. You wont understand.

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Anyway it was OK this morning. I had to replace the Memory Battery.....Nigel will remember the old Varta blue memory battery.....2.4V Nicad lol.

Now its not drifting anymore and remembering stored channels. Tube looks like new. Still. Amazing for a set built in the early 90's.


CRT repairs are a labor of love. This set was worth it.

Yip. one. 1st for me. Set came from a "bush mechanic". OK. "Bush Mechanics" think that heatsinks are there for show. So its just shiny inside. Those screws and nuts that the Factory put in are not needed. Nope. Proper Soldiering irons not necessary either LOL. Chassis clean. No roaches or black filthy dust So, im OK, lemme try fix this mess..............................

Ok. Had Frame Collapse. Turn the board over.....porridge solder everywhere.....breakfast with a hot candle heating a cold spoon. A mess.

Aaaanyway, Frame Fixed. Full picture. Now i'm confident. Checked chassis for any stuff up the "bushie" could have made. Like solder blobs or crap. Or shorted pins. Nope.

Start Auto Search. Watching,

TV turns off while searching.......LOL. Just turns off. Not standby. Set goes dead. I'm hmmmm.
Only way to get it working again is to turn it off at the Mains 220V input....wait 10 Secs...turn it on..yaay LOL.

Now remember.....I know about pin 64 on Toshiba I'Cs. I know about STRW 6553 PSU and what they do when they get "tired" . Ive literally written the book on them here. I am just having a laugh now at MYSELF. I'm so greatfull when it comes to a clean CRT here......even if its "bushed"

Tomorrow I think I will fix it LOL. It might be "bushed" but the chassis is clean. Yeah.

Another battle today LOL. Chinese "Telefunken" chassis. Very reliable sets that have been around here in these parts for at least 20 years. They come with thin and thick neck tubes. Never had a tube failure yet even with the thin neck tubes. Quality of tube used never seems to matter, the chassis is kind to all. Nice sets to work on and a great picture when youv'e got it up and running again.....

OK. Set booked in as "no picture". Open it on my bench. Turn it on. Heaters there. Line running too. EHT obviously there. No picture. Hmmm. Turn G2 up to check for possible frame collapse...nothing.

OK. Now what?

I unplug the remote eye board. Picture suddenly there. OK. But small screen. Hmm......PSU at the correct voltage...turn off quickly. Check Flyback cap its low, busy going open. Caught it in time. Replace it. OK. Confirm that remote eye is faulty by plugging board back in.....picture gone. Replace remote eye.....great, picture (blue screen) not turning off. Time to tune the TV. Menu and Auto Search.

Off I go while its searching and make some coffee for myself. I come back to the workshop and its good to close and put on test LOL. Ha ha. As I'm getting ready to have it closed for me, Mr Snow enters. Suddenly I have a snowy picture.....I'm WTF? OK, now has another problem as well. Aaaanyyway, eventually found a Tuner, fitted it. Brilliant picture. Rub the board with
the back of my screwdriver, bang the chassis up and down on on my bench. Solid as a rock.

I didn't check sound...........................................

Sound low. By this time i'm GRRRRRRRRRRRR. I'm staring at this damn TV. What else is gonna go wrong with this thing? I don't put faults on sets....I know what I'm doing. Anyway, I modified the sound input resistor from 10k to 1k.

Tv now has acceptable volume levels. Not soft. And no distortion. Clear.

What next?


Amyway, im trying to save whats left of CRT. Nobody as far as spares go are reliable anymore.......Ive had 1 job....and I believe im doing it well. Im a CRT tech. Thats all I know.
So im trying to save whats left of CRT.

God Bess all
Well don't complain about where you live then :D, you'd have no work at all in the UK, CRT has been 100% dead for a good many years, you haven't been able to give CRT sets away for a long time now.

Hi Nigel
You do understand the words "save whats left of CRT?"
Because, a good CRT set with good tube that's set up correctly, will kick a modern flat screen fancy TV into touch. Picture is more natural on CRT, easier on the eyes, nicer to look at the screen. Its pleasing and relaxing to watch a Movie. For me, iv'e found that to be the exception rather than the rule with these new Flat Screen "bolt to the wall sets". Ive one here now. Nice and slim and bolted to the wall. Takes up no space. Flat like a Model without boobs. Thin and not pleasing to the eye. Nope.

Picture is not up there with a good CRT. Picture always seems washed out. And tiring to watch. This is an expensive flat screen from a well know company. I'm nah. Not impressed.

But takes up no space. Nah. Looking at it now, I would rather rather have a Sansui SV2918 or other CRT set i've fixed and set up properly. Build a shelf to hold the CRT and relax and enjoy the show.

Huge and space using is better than slim and supposedly sexy for me. At least with TV's.
My eyes are old. But still can quickly see picture quality on a TV. And know natural from...false.

Anyway, that's it lol.

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