The LCD from an old DVD player

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New Member
I had an old DVD player lying around, and since i'm just getting into microcontrollers i thought i'd see if i could steal the display from the DVD player and put some numbers on it (i'm only really concerned with the 7-segment LCDs... assuming that's what they are). I've tried looking the part up on the internet but with no success - if anyone can point me in the right direction (i cant even get anything to light up on the LCD, let alone display a meaningful number) i'd be very grateful

I've attached two photos of the display for what it's worth.


  • P1020431.JPG
    736.9 KB · Views: 223
  • P1020435.JPG
    584 KB · Views: 204
yeah, it is a vfd.

looks like it is some kind of serial interface. I would take a close-up picture of that controller and look it up.
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