The mischevious Stripboard!

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Souper man

I cannot find Stripboard anywhere! I Look on all my sites that i buy parts from, but i cannot find it. Can you help meh out?
note: The quality doesnt matter, and I need alot, and its for nigels PIC tutorial
I know exactly what you mean. I posted the same question about a year ago here and everyone thought I was mental. It is very hard to find at distributers in North America. Used to be able to get ones that were about 6" by 14" anywhere, not ny more.

For small bits you can get Vero brand at Digikey and others, but the size is limited to around 3" x 3", and the price is outrageous.

I take a trip to the surplus/electronics stores and stock up when I find it.

Here is one place you could order from:,_IC_PATTERN_.html
I used dark blue epoxy-fiberglass Veroboard for many years. Then it disappeared but I found a good Chinese copy at a local store. I guess I was the only person buying it so it was discontinued then I found a phenolic one at another local store (it stinks, the store also stinks).
howdy howdy...Bisco Industries inc - 714-693-2901

I haven't personally dealt with them before, so you might have to tell em you're trade when you order, but they are the official Vero distributers in Michigan.

Hope this gets ya some mileage
I still have a bone to pick with Futurlec, though the item in question in this thread probably won't take very long to ship.
I placed and order on 4-12 for a MCU parallell data in to USB emulated serial port data out chip, that I am still currently waiting on. In case anyone's counting that's 1 month 17 days. NEVER trust the website when it says something is "in stock" it means nothing.
That's just perfboard upand_at_them they're looking for strip board which is very similar to that perfboard except that all of the horizontal wholes are connected via a bus strip that runs down the board. The circuits are made by selectivly severing the bus strip using a drill or hobby knife.
I like, but then again they are based in the city right next to me. They seem well priced...maybe. I dont use them much. Actually, I've never used them. If I did I'd probably just use one of these because I like the zigzag design they have and it seems a lot cheaper than the other ones out there.
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