The "New" Twisted-Pair Forum

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Dean Huster

Well-Known Member
The Twisted Pair page has been around for many years now and is a source for electronics educational material. In addition, it has a forum that has been plagued with problems in the past. Just a few days a go, Jan, the site "owner" had a new forum "engine" installed. It is almost blank at the moment, but would be a good spot for you folks to bookmark and check in on every once in awhile. Help it get going. Your knowledge and expertise can be a great asset. Don't forget that the various electronics hobbyist forums on the Internet are not "competitors", but they tend to complement each other with their differing style, readership levels, demographics, etc. Help Jan to get this baby up and running in a healthy style!


The forum:

The main page:
The forum is growing

Hi Dean,

including both of us the forum has now seven members. Hope it will grow like electro-tech-online.

Got a good laugh at the end of my post where it says: "Do not display smilies". If there's nothing you can't hide anything.


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