The Petty Gods Of Electronics..

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In pre-industrial times craft people paid tribute to minor gods with power over their craft. The craftsmen were ritualistic about certain process. The ritual not only ensured the process was done correctly, but it also appeased the petty god connected with it.

I misplaced a PCB that I was about to populate. Now the only way to find it is to work on another project. That should reduce the importance of the PCB and the petty god hiding it will move on to something more interesting. Then in a few hours or days, I will stumble across it, just where I left it.


EDIT: Found it !
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Krumlink said:
Lol ?

3v0 must have wanted that PCB pretty bad

What was it?

It was a ROBOT brain. REV 0.01

Glad it made you laugh.

Not wanting to suffer the same wrath from the Gods as you did... I took it upon myself to try and please the Gods.

I offered them a sacrifice of 1 power MOSFET, and one current sense resistor totalling $2 USD in value. These were horrifically destroyed hoping the Gods may be amused. I hope they smile on me and allow me to keep track of where all my PCB's are in the near and distant future...
Optikon -- If I say I'm God, will you give me the components when I demand them as a test of your nature?

I dont believe in gods, but I believe in accidental death, such as when I accidently ripped off a pin on a $5 comparator surface mount chip.

I also believe in insanity
When I got mine from DipMicro it took about 2 weeks. Customs hold most packages from 3 (very lucky) to 10 or more days.

I would not start expecting an order sent on the 9th till the 23rd. If that order did not ship then and they are filling it from the new stock expect at least two more weeks.

I could be wrong....
j.p.bill said:
No gods involved - it's just the innate animosity of inanimate objects at work.

About what one would expect from the Show Me State.

By definition I would not expect inanimate objects to exhibit animosity or kindness for that matter. Nah, it is more apt to be the petty gods at work.

There is proof of this.

A liquid flux pen and a bright clean tip are protection against the petty god of cold joints!

If you keep your parts inventory on database, the computer will die. Esp if you do not have a hard copy.

The part you desperately need is twice a apt to be out of stock as any other part.

There must be a million of them. What more proof do you need.

My order's the plain 'ol Inchworm -- didn't want to wait on the restock for the +, and I won't need something like that just yet. Shippped on the 19th, so realistically it won't be here until basically November.

Oh well; it's gonna be worth the wait.
Bill's inchworm is one solid programmer. I have used mine for a year or so. It, unlike the 2 prior programmers, is still going strong.

Did have a problem once. The output on one of the 16F877 pins was too weak to drive the load. Replaced the chip with a new one and it worked fine. Thats part of the beauty, you can repair it if needed.

I was lucky enough to have a programed replacement 16F877A on hand. Takes the advice given in the construction instructions and program a spare as soon as you have it working. It saved my sorry butt.
Got it all soldered together and am going to program the 877A replacement tomorrow. Man, it's a beaut:

Was using my 15W iron outside, and there was a bit of a wind -- some of the joints were a little less than marginal...

Oh well. Can't wait to use it!

(oh, and I have a Coolpix L12. Turned on macro and took 'em handheld on my desk while posting this...resized them down to 1024x768...@7.1Mpixels, they were just a little large...still 600k though.)


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Hey, that Inchworm looks about as elegant as the CAD model ones on Bill's site! And they do sound pretty good too

As for the "petty gods" deal, I'm perpetually losing damn wire links in here. Grip one end in my sprung tweezery things, bend, bend, bend... *SNAP*! Link vanishes to some unknown corner of the room, never to be seen again. Or not for some days anyway. Occasionally happens with actual components, but usually those don't go nearly as far, and I might find those after as little as 5 minutes

In a similar (non-electronicky) fashion, some years ago I knocked the stylus for my old graphics tablet off the table behind me. It ostensibly fell into the heap of stuff below. Excavating ALL that stuff never, ever, ever revealed it. I can only deduce it fell into a sudden wormhole, was stolen by demons, or was eaten by mice. In the end I got a new tablet but it's much less compatible with my software
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