I have used ExpressPCB. It is simple yet powerful enough in both Schematic & PCB design with tools for creating your own part, pads with no size limitation. You can easily covert point to point when switching from schematics to pcb and move things around to suit your needs. It is easy to modify on the spot and send to your laser printer for wink wink manufacturing. That said Advance Circuit, as another user mentioned, does manufacture pcb's using their own software. A bit pricey for low quantity and prototyping but a great finished product for higher quantity.
On another note, I did discover a group of people who not only looked at some of these free pcb programs but also shopped around for manufacturing prices for pcbs and shared their info to be integrated into a lookup like pricing software/site! They have created a great for comparing prices in USA, UK, Europe, and China. Worth exploring. "PCBShopper"