The "Truth"

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New Member
Below are some things to make people think. I found this on another forum.

**broken link removed**
samcheetah said:
i think we should keep the politics crap out of such a nice forum.


but... how about you guys think about this after reading the above:

Kerry has voted to have our taxes raised over 200 times... I'm not a wealthy person, i'm a poor college student... i can't afford to pay for other people.
I love how people like to make Bush sound like a dictator. BUSH sent us to war, BUSH didnt give our soldiers armor, BUSH only let haliburton have oil contracts, BUSH wants to attack Iran etc. Congress declares war, and lets not forget that Kerry voted for it. Congress approves funding supplies for our troops and Kerry voted against this. The Haliburton situation is far more complicated that what you suggest, Bush doesn't just choose a company and give them contracts, and the money Cheney gets from them is back pay that he earned when he worked there. Iran is actively developing nuclear technology which they certainly do not need for energy, and they refuse to cooperate with anyone unless they are given free aid, technology etc....blackmail is what it comes down to. Bush doesnt get cheat votes from Florida because his brother is the governor. Bush didnt win the popular vote ( it was an election, not a debate ) but the polls now show that he will lead the popular vote. If he has more support now he must have done somthing right. Everyone likes to talk about expenses, well how does Kerry plan to come up with the $2 trillion for his health care plan? Also unemployment is low and the economy is improving, no need for change for now. When it comes to admitting mistakes he admitted to making mistakes in appointments to offices. Im sure everyone expects him to say Iraq or somthing like that, but how can he? The question isnt even fair. If he admits its a mistake its like saying our soldiers died in vain and accomplished nothing, if he doesn't, he "cant admit his mistakes". Someone please ask John Kerry that question. In closing, your statement about those beheadings taking place at Abu Ghraib has no basis in reality. If you think "googling" , watching movies ( michael moore's genuine piece of unbiased art i assume ) and books written by partisan democrats and other people with an agenda is solid information, then keep spreading you conspiracy theories. Its all propaganda. Oh yea and over 100 worldwide intelligence agencies thought Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. He didn't, can't change that now. All you can do is make the best of it and keep the moral of soldiers up, or tell them they have suffered for nothing, quit, and accomplish nothing. Sorry for the rant...i just hate propaganda.
1) This is an electronics forum. Many of the people here aren't American. Lets try and keep the debate about electronics...?

2) Please try and realise that the stuff you're posting is designed to make Bush look like a fool. i.e. its selective editing. You never read the whole story. If you are taken in by it you are a fool.

If one really wants to split hairs...

The word truth, spelt with a capital "T" is gramatically incorrect.
However this is an electronics forum and will not bore you with
the details why and how it is wrong.
I think this is all getting rather carried away! - it's simply a SPAM posting, by someone who has signed up simply to SPAM the board. Hopefully the entire thread will be deleted by the administrator?.

This board isn't a political forum, and not a suitable place for a thread like this - regardless of it's accuracy or otherwise!. Particularly when it's not even an American board and most members probably aren't American - I couldn't even care less about our own UK elections, never mind a couple of idiots across the Atlantic!.
Well said Nigel!! That Ju-Ji-whatsit spirit shines through.

I have to say, if its a Spam thread, I reserve my right to spam in it...

damn, there's never a spam emoticon when you need one...

and I agree Nigel, I'm not even old enough to vote in our elections!
I apologize for sowing the seeds of off topic discussion, but over here in the US the whole election thing is getting ridiculous and its sad to see people reduced to spaming electronics boards, and very hard to resist replying to them.
It's not even worth replying to*, because as the cliche goes (cliches are cliches for a reason), "You can't reason someone out of what they didn't reason themselves into." It's not good enough to say, "It's ok that Bush did this and that, because Clinton did the same thing." Because wrong is wrong even if everyone else did it, too.

All you can do is refute each and every lie that so called Truth2000 (stuck in the past, huh?) put out, but no one has that kind of time except those that are s_ucking at the teat of those of us who are productive. I would bet anything that he is a ward of the state, e.g., welfare, union***, a teacher, college student, chronically unemployed**. My sincere hope is that he is a college student, so that there is still hope he might grow up and learn to think critically.

That said, I think the moderator should remove this thread before it gets too far out of control. It probably already has.


*Yes, I am aware that I'm replying.

**There are right fine people in all these groups, and it is possible that you are one of them. If so, it doesn't apply to you, so don't flame me.

***Unions give legitimacy to people who act like spoiled three year olds, who extort their employers, drive up prices, send jobs overseas, engage in behavior that is reprehensible and illegal, all in the name of overpaying the lazy and the stupid.
All I have to say is _-Bush Cheney 2004-_.
And this nonsense about john kerry solving the nation debt is a bunch of bull, If all the presidents before him couldnt do it, what makes himn so special....oh no, I started ranting, I shut up now.

Oh and Dak246, I see you have your location set as PSU, (I'm assuming that's penn state university) Which campus are you at?
Yea i was living at home at hazleton was probably the smallest of all the campuses. But its great up here at u park. We had a visit from michael moore a couple days ago and i couldnt resist joining the anti-kerry protest outside the byrce jordan center...good times.
grrr_arrghh said:
1) Many of the people here aren't American.

I would like to apologize to all the non-Americans here.
Our President is an idiot.
We are sorry.
I did not vote for him.
Political 'rant'

It appears that this thread is generating some considerable interest, even if it is way off forum.

I have taken the liberty of changing the title subtly to be a little more accurate, this could be the "truth" in someone's eyes --- for me it just further proves that you cannot believe everything you read :wink:

Personally, the only 'political animals' I ever understood were the pigs in Animal Farm.

Don't forget ... ... ...
I would like to apologize to all the non-Americans here.
Our President is an idiot.
We are sorry.
I did not vote for him.

Who are you to think that you speak for me?

I voted for Bush, and I will again. Any foreigners (including those that endorse Kerry, like Cuba, China, North Korea, Islamic Jihad, Yassar Arafat, also, the Communist Party) that don't like it, that's tough. I make no apologies.

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