There's a hypertransportbus where my frontsidebus used to be

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Active Member
I recently got a athlon64 and i was wondering if anyone knew a good site that explains hypertransport (pc specific, cause i found tons of general info about it, but almost nothing about the pc implementation).

What i want to know is a detailed explanation about the hypertransport bios settings, what all the multipliers do (seems to be a HT multiplier and a cpu multiplier ...!?) ...

anyone ?
i have the same proscessor are you using it now? i think it is hyper transport because instead of being able to proscess 32 bits at a time.
it is 64, but i don't know for sure.

it is very fast though.
lolz, nice topic :lol:

actually, danielsmusic, the 64 bits dont mean that its hypertransport. hypertransport was adopted before the 32->64 bit transition. basically hypertransport is a serial bus which offers many advantages over previous designs.

now back to the topic. i would recommend you to go to Toms Hardware

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and ask this question in their forum

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although i think this was discussed in an article on that site but i dont remember it and i dont have its link. so its better to ask it in the forum.

i hope that helps
There's a hypertransportbus where my frontsidebus used to be

Who cares about hypertransport?

A teletransport gate where my car used to be, now that'll be some technology advance that matters. :lol:

Sorry :roll: :lol:
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