"I almost forgot to mention that it looks like this circuit might belong in the "Theoretical Only" section of our libraries. That's because it looks like with even the smallest DC offset voltage present at the input the circuit could ramp to an infinite response, which would mean it would latch up to the highest or lowest possible operating voltage and stick there. You could look at this too if you wish."
Although the independent current source symbol in the circuit schematic is presented as a DC source, the fact that reactance values are given for the capacitors implies that it is really an AC source at some definite frequency. If it were a DC source, both capacitors would blow out because the voltage across them would eventually exceed their voltage ratings. This would happen without any external attachment to the circuit. If any voltage is attached to a-b, the capacitor across a-b will be locked at that voltage, but the capacitor in series with the independent current source would eventually blow.