I need to form an isolated +ve contact to one side of a piezo ceramic ring:
But it needs to be strong enough to withstand a preload pressure from a spring washer on the insulated side; but I'm working in a tight space.
I'm thinking something like this:
With a bolt through the middle and a cone washer pressing the two together; and the -ve size to the body of the device..
Its more a case of I think the oscillations of the piezo and the steel cone washer would wear throught the kapton.
May happen with grp of PCB also, but should take much longer.
I've thought about gluing a mica or mylar washer to the back of a piece of kapton ciruit; but I wouldn't know where to buy (or even if you can) a blank piece of kapton pcb?
I've used 0.4 mm thick circuit boards. They were 10 mm x 10 mm or 10 x 18 mm, and the backs were flat against the casing. Some were 3 layer boards, still 0.4 mm thick.