This is kinda funny

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New Member
Hi guys I saw this in a near by town near my place and I thought I share it with all you guys. I thought it was funny first you work out then you grab a fatburger or grab a fatburger and work off what you just gained next door.
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Looks like the person going in the door may have come from the right..
Interesting to see the shop with bars on the windows is the burger bar.
Those bars don't look like they would stop a skinny person

Think about it: Skinny people are likely to patronize the fitness store. The lazy fatso's are the ones who want to pry their way in to Fat Burger, so the store needs extra security protection.
You see the person coming out of the fatburger in plaid? Yeah, they chose the diet coke and a chicken sandwich with no cheese, the one going in... third time, they're doing laps with a coupon for a free shake with the giaganto meal...
Neither one of them goes to the gym, no one goes to that gym... Cause a healthy body doesn't require exercise equipment, it requires an IQ over 25 and something to do besides run to FatBurger for the special.
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That's in our hometown, sammy004! I love Fatburger, and I get fit by chasing dreams and jumping to conclusions.
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