This is the deal I like helping people who Enjoy Electronics & pic progamming

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Well-Known Member
I lost my wife last year at this time and if it wasn't for this hobby , Or love of this hobby
programming Electronic. I would of lost my mind. But having people to share ideas with has help me stay sane. So I came up with a idea to give some thing back, I my have done that wrong if so I'm sorry.

I just wanted to let some win a pickit3 because I figured that would be fare way to do it seeing I can't give every one one it was a dumb Idea so to make this right if electro-tech wants I will donate the same prizes for the next contest they have.

One more thing I'm not a owner of any forum this was really something to give back a little for all the help I have had from here and some forums i post on sorry if I did any thing wrong
Hi, sorry to hear of your loss, but happy to hear you're getting through it. I went through somehting similar awhile back, and ETO, and the other members and friends I made here, was about my only life line. What you propose is a great idea. I would support it, if that would make any difference
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I lost my wife last year at this time and if it wasn't for this hobby , Or love of this hobby programming Electronic. I would of lost my mind.

I'm sorry to here that "Brother". Since, I saw your first post. I believe, you have sincere intentions. "That has not changed"

But having people to share ideas with has help me stay sane. So I came up with a idea to give some thing back, I my have done that wrong if so I'm sorry.

I look forward to :be80be: contributions; you have friends here. If anything friends do, "listen" and understand. You've had a hard year,brother. Try to remember how far you've come, and try to only look forward; the past is an empty siphon that will empty your spirit, inspiration and time. Spend it on the "Present and future"

I just wanted to let some win a pickit3 because I figured that would be fare way to do it seeing I can't give every one one it was a dumb Idea so to make this right if electro-tech wants I will donate the same prizes for the next contest they have.

Not cheap to do by yourself. With all the troubles the country and the world; has been through. Sometimes I like to do things in a group. I don't know how much other members could pool but, I wouldn't mind donating on top of my annual contribution to this site. " your not alone, "Brother" keep remembering that in the future.

One more thing I'm not a owner of any forum this was really something to give back a little for all the help I have had from here and some forums i post on sorry if I did any thing wrong

I'm looking forward with hope your able to be with friends in coming new year. Enjoying what you have; form new relationships and create opportunities for yourself. I've lived my life as a lone Wolf. People on this site reached out to me when I was not myself. Your not the only one with regrets. Their is plenty more of us here. The thing is we're still here.

Hang in their; brother. Thinking outside your bubble, by including others, will create; how you form your "purpose" in the "future".

When ever I'm having a crummy day and people everywhere seem to crap on me. I find someone and do something nice for them. "You and I seem share a similar way to deal with life"

Merry Christmas, Burt, Your doing good in my book. "Can't wait to share another Chapter with you"

Sincerely, ETO Member.

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