Thorn in my flesh: computer ?

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I just got an emachines S2482 computer, and had 2 wipe the HD. I used to be able to push the power button and the computer would shut off. Now that doesnt work. When the computer is on, the power button doesnt do anything. I have to go to start and hit shut down. then the computer will say: it is now safe to shut off your computer. I have to pull the plug out to shut the stupid thing off, like i said, the power button doesnt do anything. i looked in cmos and couldnt find nething. And that is the thorn in my flesh. . . . any suggestions?
I used to be able to push the power button and the computer would shut off

was that on this machine? if yes, then did this started happening after u wiped your disks?

if u have windows XP then in the Control Panel -> Power options -> Advanced -> Power buttons u can change the behaviour of your system when u hit the power button.

if i remember correctly this has to do with the motherboard. and the type of power supply. do u have an ATX power supply or the AT power supply. reading the manual of the motherboard might also help.
an emachine? isnt that one of those PC-come-entertainment system??

anywho if it did it before then the PSU is an ATX and BIOS was configure propperly. It sound like you are missing some windows BIOS drivers that lets windows know how to talk to the ATX interface
there is also that option in win98, and i suspect, all versions of windows. I can't comment on other OSs. The problem is presumably that the default windows setting is different to what you had before. Which OS are you using?

when you pressed the power button, did it shut down properly, or just cut the power?
Styx said:
anywho if it did it before then the PSU is an ATX and BIOS was configure properly

i agree, but it sounds as if he is saying that he used to be able to do this before this machine. so thats why i asked

grrr_arrghh said:
there is also that option in win98, and i suspect, all versions of windows

yes they might have the same option under the Power options in control panel or something like that. its been quite a while since ive used any OS other than XP
hmm. thx. i just figured out that i can hold the button down, and it will shut off the computer. this is good enough, like i said, i used to be able to just hit the buttton and the computer would log off n shut down which was real nice, but ah well, its not worth my time. Thanx
ok the fact that you have found out the 10sec feature points to the fact that it is definitly an ATX power supply (standard hardware over-ride)

The fact that you are having to do that at the "please turn off your computer" screen is pointing to your OS does not know how to talk to the ACPI interface

95,98 and to some extent ME (dependant on the mobo) did not have an ACPI interface.

What OS are you running?
grrr_arrghh and samcheetah are right in saying that hte "power option" control applet should have some options in there. However, the only useful thing you will find in there is the option that states

"use power-off button to shutdown or suspend"
Setting and eneabling that to power button to shutdown will half solve your problem. Howver, you have already stated that the OS is not talking to the PSU.

The final step in a shutdown of any x86 OS (Windows/Linux) is to send the signal to switch off the power-supply. I recently upgraded my linux kernel and forgot to compile in ACPI support and was faced with the same problem. Except the OS had fully halted and I just had to press the power button for less than a second to turn off computer (to the start up and compile in ACPI)

So again it is pointing to your OS does not know how to talk to the ACPI. Either you have a P4 or Athlon that warrents ATX PSU and are running an OS that does not have the ACPI hardware calls or you havn't installed all your mobo drivers
Out of curiousity, i did wut samcheetah mentioned and went to control panel n pwr options after i posted my last post and hit a save power option or something like that. Now i just hit shut down and the computer shuts down automatically. Problem solved Thanx again everyone :wink:
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