Thought i had heard the stupidest thing, but then...

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I heard of the Asiana flight that crashed recently and the incredibly unprofessional and unprecedented utter disregard for facts and lack of basic common sense reporting by KTVU.

Anyone who believes that these names where real life names should be signed up for a good long stay somewhere where there are not any other people

I have trouble just believing that this really happened at all, that the stations staff could have been that trusting of whatever original source they actually had in the first place, and how it came to be that they believed the so called confirming party, but even how it came to be that they were so gullible in the first place to have to actually have made the call rather than just simply disregard the original information before it went any farther.

Just for a peek i'll post one name here. They said the name of the captain who flew the plane that crashed was "Sum Ting Wong". But that's only one ridiculous name they seemed to come up with from out of nowhere.

My guess is that they were grasping for attention, but now the airline is going to sue.
Well that just gave me my giggle for the day!

Now thats funny! (Probably politically wrong but still funny!)

I think that it was supposedly done by a young intern at the station.
I think "Sum Ting Wong" is related to "Dum Ting Wong" the intern working at the Station.....
I think it just goes to show that most news people are nothing more than talking heads with nothing inside.

I would have caught those names in a second while reading.
But - Think of all of the free publicity they received - even if it made them look like idiots
The federal aviation agency confirmed them for the station before broadcast.


Yes but my point is that if you hear names like those you dont need to call anyone to confirm that they are the real names.

Let me make up another example that could have happened...

"We found that the flight coordinator called from the planet Mars and told us the flight was almost canceled before it took off"
Now do you call an agency of any kind to confirm this? I dont think so. But lets say you do anyway. You might say:
"We got a call from Mars and they said it was almost canceled, is this true?"
Now they might reply to that question:
"Well, it was confirmed by Chief Flying Bear from Venus that this was true".

In other words, the question is so outrageous to begin with that it almost deserves a silly reply too.

But the main point is that the station should have known they were fake names without having to ask. Ok, one fake name might come into question, but FOUR names all very silly and obviously made up to fit the circumstance. Sad part is, this was a tragic accident that was being made fun of by professional news people. Now if it appeared on the Daily Show that would have been different to a certain extent because that's a comedy show where they always do stuff like that. In fact one show like that did take it a step farther.
haha, i had to read it couple times before i got the joke....stupid video didn't play on me :S
They're definitely fake, and the news is incorrectly reporting that they're real. I also seem to think I've seen something like this before, but a long time ago.
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