Through-hole soldering

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New Member
Hey, i've been soldering random stuff for a pretty long time and am very confident about doing so. Recently I came across a computer card with some damage to it and i'm trying to replace a couple smd block resistors and mini caps. What's different about soldering these components in versus more traditional hand soldering using generic irons and solder?

Nothing really unless the computer card used some special solder that you don't know about (which I very much doubt). The components are smaller
and you should minimize the heating time with your soldering iron.
Doing through-hole stuff, you can usually get by without using separate flux. For doing Surface mount stuff, I thoroughly recommend using flux. It makes life that much easier.

Now that I have some experience doing it, I prefer surface mount. It's really not hard at all.

I have a bit of experience with SMD components, and I would really recommend using them over thru-hole equivalents where possible. I have attached an article which gives hints and tips on using SMD components. I would also second the suggestion of using flux (the articles talks about this).


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