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New Member
I'm looking for the datasheet of a photodiode - TIL81, I cant really find it on the search engines. Can someone help? Thanks.
It's pretty old... Just scanned from my old TI catalog '83.


  • tiphotodet.gif
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Ahh.. i almost forgot the case outline.


  • case.gif
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I have a 1976 TI data book that lists the specs, I have no way to scan the pages for you. Here is the maximum ratings, It NPN planar silicon phototransistor.
Collector -Base Voltage 50V
Collector-Emitter Voltage 30V
Emitter-Base Voltage 7V
Emitter-Collector Voltage 7V
Continous Collector Current 50mA
Continous Devie Dissipation at 25 degrees 250mW

Hfe typical when VCE=5V IC=1mA
If you need any other specs let me know
Another one, but not much more info. But they do list it as being used as a photo-diode or a photo-transistor.



  • TIL81.pdf
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I have a faded 6-page data sheet, but the questions need to be less vague than simply
Working of til-81
, especially a first and only post.

I'll try to answer the most common questions:

Peak sensitivity 940 nm, skirts to near zero around 500 and 1100 nm, 50% points around 740 and 990.
With 100 ohm load, switching time as photodiode typ 500 ns, as phototransistor typ 8 us.
Angular sensitivity about +/- 10 degrees.
At 10 mW/cm^2, as photodiode, light current is typ 170 µA
At 5 mW/cm^2, as phototransistor with VCE=5V, typ 22 mA.
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