Tilt Sensor / Shock Sensor Mobile Phone Call Motorcycle Alarm

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New Member
Hello all,

My first post and my first attempt to do my own project.

The ideia is very simple...

Make one shock sensor and / or one tilt sensor shut one speed dial key from a phone.

I've attached a small document that I have made to resume the idea - not originally mine - and with my questions and what I don't know what to do.

So... copy paste of this document:


Sometimes motorcycle owners are not near their motorcycle, therefore the siren is not earable (at home, at a disco, at the cinema...)


Make an old phone call the motorcycle owner when someone is trying to steal the bike, or if someone crashed/touched the bike in a parking space.



Shock and tilt sensors activate the speed dial in a mobile phone where the motorcycle owners number is registered/recorded.

The system would only power on when the bike is not working.

Bonus: the phone would always be ON (need to hack the phone for this), as in if the battery runs over when the motorcycle is turned on it starts working/charging again.


Really hoping that someone could help me on this project

Cheers and thanks,



  • 555.doc
    137 KB · Views: 458
You have not stated what you need help with. If you have specific questions, please ask them. This does sound like homework, so we cannot do it all for you.

If you know anything about microcontrollers, it is possible to take some older mobile phones (e.g. a Nokia or Siemens) and connect them to the serial port of your micro. From here there is a very basic set of commands you can use to send a text message, which might achieve what you are trying to do.

However, we do not know if you are stuck on the input, processing or output.

Hi Edeca,

Thank you very much for your reply

My name is Luis, I am portuguese and I am 31yo.

As I had electronics at school, now my only knowledge of electronics right now is soldering some wires...

Now, regarding the help I need, in the attached document I wrote that I can't give the step from the diagram to a pcb prototype board...

The other thing is how do really things work.

My grandfather always said to me: I will not give you the fish, I will give you the bait and the wire and I will teach you how to fish.

The thing is that my knowledge will not let me go further alone

Nevertheless I've come up with another idea, instead of relays I could use a optoisolator (4N25) and this will work too and I guess that could make the circuitboard much smaller...

These are only ideas that I am getting together, but from the paper to the pcb, its a big step for me.

Let me invite you again to check the attached document called 555.doc

Cheers and thanks again


PS - Sorry for my english



  • 555.doc
    122.5 KB · Views: 316
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