Time Zones

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Well-Known Member
Most Helpful Member
Hi Guys

Just at the time I am getting ready to sleep....you are waking up
So unfair.

I wish the Earth was flat.

That's all I can say now.

Trying so hard...and nothing.

Anyway, as a Girl I have stuff to do.

See you next time

If the earth was flat; wouldn't the sun move on both sides to make orbit? It would be an interesting thought? Gravity would be just.......hmn

Maybe life would be flat and 2 dimensional. You could use me as a sail on a ship?

Well there; hi, tv. As I extend my "Pancake" hand.
If the earth was flat; wouldn't the sun move on both sides to make orbit?
Not in my flat world! None of this spinning round and around business, thank you very much!

My rectilinear sun would light up in the morning and traverse along the two precision ground hardened steel rods located at the poles.
At the end of the day the sun would be extinguished, allowing time for maintenace crews to change out any LEDs which had failed. Once the essential maintenance was done, the crew would push the sun back to its starting position, ready for the next day.

(In frivolous mood)
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