timer delay question please help!

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New Member
Hello everyone,

First I would like to thank everyone for their input on all the other threads. As a newbee I have learned a lot from everyone and checked out most of the tutorials that I saw mentioned in the threads. I am still a little confused on the subject of timers and delays.

I am working on a project which requires two delays, a 20 sec delay, and a 40µsec delay. I am using the PIC12F683. I am not sure what prescale value to use, and which internal clk frequency i should use it with (which is best for a 20 second delay?). Aslo, how do I calculate the value to count down from? I know I cannot just say count down from 20. Any help on this topic will be greatly appreciated.
Since you are using PIC12F683 I'd prefer go with TMR2.

You need three variables,

To generate 20S


Count1	= 40 
Count2	= 100
Count3	= 20

250 X 40 X 100 X 20 = 20Sec

To generate 40uS

40 X 1 X 1 X 1 = 40uS
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