Well if your load discharges a 7Ah battery in 30min, then the load must be about 14A. I expect that the timer (connected to the same 12V battery) will draw less than a few mA, so a tiny, insignificant fraction of your load...
btw-you are aware that 12V SLA batteries should not be discharged below ~11.0V (maybe 11.5V if you expect much life out of them), so you should not use time to end the discharge period, but rather use the actual terminal voltage of the battery?
In other words, you connect the load (based on time?) assuming that the battery is fully charged, and then you stop the discharging process whenever the battery reaches 11.xV (the cutoff voltage), regardless of how long that takes. If the battery's capacity is not up to the task, then the discharge period ends to keep from damaging the battery by over-discharging it.