Kit picture - ?
Here is a first pass at a schematic. The parts are what is in my design libraries, not strict recommendations.
Q1 - n-channel power MOSFET rated for at least 10 V and 5 A
C1 - 10 uF capacitor, rated for at least 20 V
R1 - 10 K resistor, any wattage or tolerance
D1 - 1N4001 - 1N4004
SW1 pin 1 is the normally-closed (NC) contact. Pin 3 is the normally-open (NO) contact.
When the switch is relaxed, B1 charges up C1 and the circuit sits.
When SW1 is pressed, the charge in C1 is dumped onto the FET gate, pushing it to full enhancement ("saturation") rapidly. The voltage at the gate begins to decrease exponentially as R1 discharges C1. After two time constants (2 x R x C), the gate voltage is low enough for Q1 to begin to turn off and release the solenoid.
When SW1 is released, B1 immediately recharges C1 for another cycle.
Note that there is no power drain (except for C1 and Q1 leakage currents, a few microamps) when the circuit is idle.