TIP142 Stepper motor driver

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I am going to build following circuit to run stepper motor using TIP142. So is there any need to change any thing in this circuit? The schematic of circuit is attached with this post.


  • uln2003_756.jpg
    32.3 KB · Views: 1,847
Read my answer on the other website because you made many mistakes:
"When any of your darlington transistors turns on, it is a dead short from the +24V supply to ground.
The coils in your motor are never powered because both of their wires are always at +24V.
All darlington outputs are shorted together."


  • stepper motor driver.PNG
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Now, I have try this circuit with 24V DC, 1.7Amp power supply. But still the motor does take any step (forward or backward). I think the value of resister is very much big. What it should be?


  • uln2003_756.jpg
    31.3 KB · Views: 515
To make a stepper motor rotate, you need to supply each coil in sequence. This sequence has to be identified and the coils have to be connected accordingly, then the motor will rotate.

Do you know how to identify this sequence?
Can i suggest useing the L297 & L298, with the 6210 for protection, and you will have lots of good experiences..... also the datasheet comes with wireing schematic
To make a stepper motor rotate, you need to supply each coil in sequence. This sequence has to be identified and the coils have to be connected accordingly, then the motor will rotate.

Do you know how to identify this sequence?

Yes, you right. I also would like to identify the sequence like the picture in attachment. My stepper motor has 5 points, 1 is common & four are coil wires. So which is A, A', B, B' like in picture. So is there any article to identify the sequence? I know, that I can also search but can not think which is batter one.


  • S coil.JPG
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Can i suggest useing the L297 & L298, with the 6210 for protection, and you will have lots of good experiences..... also the datasheet comes with wireing schematic

Thanks for suggestion, my stepper motor is of 24V. So can your suggested ICs can handle this motor?
yup the L298 goes up to 50 V and 2-3 amps , that is the actual driver, ]

the L297 is the control circuit, its only 5vor watever, but it allows you to command the stepper with simple input switches,
inputs are: reset, enable, full/half steps, direction, and of couse a clock input
Now following stepper driver is successful to run the steps of motor. But there is a problem that the transistors turn hot very quickly. What is problem here. I think the resistor is small. Is it?


  • uln2003_756.jpg
    32.5 KB · Views: 294
You can't design a driving circuit unless you know how much current the motor takes.
Heat is caused by power in the transistor. Power is the current through the transistor (and motor) times the saturation voltage drop across the transistor which is listed in its datasheet. The TIP142 has a heatsink tab so that it can be bolted to a heatsink which carries the heat into the air.
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