Tired of HyperTerminal - What is good?

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In this case also I'm with Eric.Doing all terminal programs in VB.

A recent simple program done with VB.


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Can anyone recommend a good terminal program that runs on Windows Vista?

So far I have found one that seems to work ok called "Developer Terminal". It can be downloaded for free from **broken link removed**. Developer Terminal doesn't allow you to save the port setting though.

Anyone know of any other terminal program options?

Jeff Fedison
Micro Circuit Labs Home page ~ Innovative electronic kits

Hello Jeff, and welcome to the forum.

If you read the thread, there are several options listed. Most should run on Vista (a quick googling will confirm or deny that for you).

The best one I've found is puTTY; some other folks prefer Tera Term but I've never really liked it. YMMV.

Good luck,

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