TO-92 Land Pattern

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New Member
I noticed that for the TO-92 , there are a few different ways of creating the land pattern.

Sometimes the leads are straight like this:
o o o

Sometimes they're straight and spaced out, like this:
o o o

Sometimes they're in a delta configuration, like this:
o o

Is there a standard on this?

What is the best way to do it or are there different configurations for different purposes?
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It should depend upon the transistor pin forming, see this iamge.


  • esp03 Feb. 02.gif
    19.5 KB · Views: 511
Thanks for the reply.

So would a specific component only be available in ONE of these pin formations? Or could you order them in any of those pin formations?
Depends on the device and manufacturer, they usually have a code appended to the end of the part # to indicate how leads are formed. Check the spec sheet.
Just use a device in a TO92 package the easiest way to apply in your circuit. No matter what the pin arrangement is you can bend the pins suiting your needs.

I even use them with double pin spacing if I have to throw a trace between pins to keep the PCB layout single layered.

Never bend the pins directly at the plastic body. They might break. Use watch maker's plyers or a strong tweezer to bend the pins.

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