Tolkien - The Hobbit

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I was talking to one of my friends saying I will see the Movie "The Hobbit"

He said, he wanted to re-read the "Hobbit" before seeing the movie? He is more knowledgable about Tolkien, I asked why? He said, because the movie will reflect some of "Tolkien's" ideas that never made it into the book.

I re-read the book and found after over 25 years it seemed to be a brand new book. Watching the movie "Tolkien" improved on area's I thought needed more information, an expansion.

Making it less like a Children's Story.

I don't care to re-read the Trilogy and look forward watching the movies with my GrandChildren.

Care to reflect or is the Tolkien Trilogy not to your taste.

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It was brilliant..... I have read AND seen... I would see it again and again.
It was brilliant..... I have read AND seen... I would see it again and again.

They were running a marathon yesterday, So far I've seen it in HFR 3D and 2D. One of my eye's has a "Far Lens" because of my cataract surgery. They seem to say it looks funny as if sped up

in HFR 42 frames over 2D. I didn't see the problem.

Love it. Read the books when I was a kid. I am trying to make a map of the under world in minecraft.
I can't watch 3D....

4pyros.. My son works at "Games Workshop" He has already created SEVERAL Hobbit scene's... I'll try and get the photo's off his camera... I'll post them when I do.
Alas, I have never had the chance to read the books, but I have seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy and just saw "The Hobbit" a few days ago. The movie was okay, though I really wished it had been treated more seriously, like in The Lord of the Rings. I didn't care much for the childish humor and very poor physics, but from what I've heard, it stuck very close to the book. It even filled in parts of the book that were missing, which is very rare. Usually it's the other way around.

I plan to read the books some day. I have learned to watch the movies first and read the books later, because usually if you read the books first, the movies only disappoint. I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with the next two "Hobbits" films, though.


P.S. I just received the Lord of the Rings trilogy (set) for today's Christmas celebration with my immediate family. I'm planning on watching all three of them on New Year's Eve (In my family it was a tradition to watch a marathon of films leading up until midnight. I plan to carry on that tradition).
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Thats sounds like nice relaxing fun. Enjoy
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