Touch sensative switch system

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New Member
Can any one help???

I would like to make a touch sensative display to work through a clear perspex sheet, I am a beginner, and firstley wondered is there a "ready to go" circuit to do the job if not would it be relativly simple to make one using some sort of touch sensative swich!

I simply want to make a touchdisplay that makes the led´s stay on after i have touched it... but i want it to stay on, maybe turn off if touched again and preferably 10-20 leds and touch surfaces..

So, in priority.
1. At least 10 touch areas with led´s lighting up and staying lit.
2. The led´s going out when touched again.
3. Led´s dimming up and down if touched repeatedly..

Any help with the Qt113 or Qt110 is appreciated!
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