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Yesterday touchpad of my laptop suddenly stopped working. I have even refreshed the driver but still……
You as a constant user will probably make your touchpad dirty. Yes, even if you may not be aware and as clean as you may be, your fingers are actually greasy. This grease, while working with your laptops' touchpad gets on it making it more difficult to use after a period of time.
So, once in a while you have to clean the laptop touchpad. This can be easily done with a damp cloth with a bit of 50% solution of isopropyl alcohol.Or use a small amount of ammonia-based window cleaner. Actually almost any glass cleaning solution will do the trick. However,because of the "almost" word, if you don't know for sure that you can safely clean your laptop touchpad with the solution you have, try it first on the bottom of your laptop bag to see if the solution doesn't do some harm to the inside of the bag. For professional suggestion
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How old is the laptop? What make? If the laptop has overheated... many suffer from losing peripheral after peripheral after the on board chipset has over heated some of the balls from the BGA become detached.

I hope this hasn't happened to you.
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